Thank all the gods the rains have finally come to central Texas! It's been gray and gloomy for days now and lots of heavenly water pouring from the sky. Everything is green again and practically shouting hallelujah. So nice to feel grass that not dried out and sharp enough to pierce my flip flops.
I took all 5 dogs to the Park this morning for a muddy stroll and they all swam in the rainwater run-off creek, which is flowing strong now after three months of barely a puddle for the pups to splash in.
As for me, I'm not so well. Smoking a lot and hating it and hating the way it sucks my motivation and makes me over eat. Yuck.
I soldier on each day but it's the 12th of Sept and I've only got 2 clean days this month. Not a good average. Sigh...
M is going to NYC for the first time next week to attend the Friars' Club Film Fest where the film he shot last year and stars in is opening for the Cohen Brothers new movie. I am so thrilled for M, but beside myself that I can't go with him. What a different life I would've had if I always had an extra five hundred bucks lying around. That's enough of my whining. Off to do a massage. Tomorrow I audition for Neil Simon's "Laughter On the 23rd Floor" at City Theatre. Would be nice to have a theatre project to work on....