M has had the flu as well and I felt crappy enough yesterday that I didn't go to the salon. Last night I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose ad nauseum. (although I did my 3 sets of push ups before bed 32 total) M said I must surely be coming down with what he had. I must say I almost believed him since I had that woozy "coming down with something" feeling--which I almost never get. Because I never get sick! Why? Because I've said all my life "I never get sick" and so people drop like video store prices all around and I never catch anything. I slept late this morning and didn't feel like I was getting the flu--just miserable allergies.
I do feel out of sorts in a weird, dizzy, head achey way since I ran out of that one med that I take. It will be another few days before I can buy the refill. Mdolla, Goddess of $$$ pray for me in this my season of need.....
M insisted that I was indeed sick and that I should take the day off today. I took a cue from my dogs and spent the day resting and healing. Even took Dag and Red out for our walk/jog in the high afternoon sun and had a good sweat. Crashed for three hours this afternoon. Colored my grey roots and gave myself a sparkly tan in a can so I feel a bit better. Tonight I will run out of weed. And so it begins again...
I have decided to cancel my Gold's gym membership since I have been running outside and working out at home. Partly it's because every dollar counts at the moment and partly I need a change of scenery. There's a new gym near the house that's 10 bucks a month so I may try that later on this year. But for now I'm getting creative and doing stuff at home. Our livingroom is plenty big enough to jump around in and the thick solid wood coffee table that was a present from DW for my massage graduation many, many moons ago makes for a good step.
I'm getting Women's Health magazine again and they have super cool at home workouts I've been dabbling in. Tomorrow I'm going up to the Barn to ride for the first time in a week. I patched the holes in the ass of my riding pants. :) Can't wait to hang out with my Shaggy!
Soldier on....