Almost a year since I posted to this blog! Where the hell have I been?................Getting sober, that's where! As of tomorrow 11/27/10, I will have six months of sobriety from drugs and alcohol. Yay! I must say I tried everything I could think of to quit on my own before dragging my sorry ass back to MA (Marijuana Anonymous). Yes, they really do have a 12 Step Program for every addiction you can think of.
I've been the 12 Step route before with weed and was sober in Stoners Anonymous for about a year and a half about 6 years ago. I hated every minute of it. This time seems different though. Whether it's just that I'm older and wiser now or that my poor lungs and liver have had enough abuse, who knows? But this time around I'm rather enjoying being clear headed and productive--not to mention having a lot more cash in my pockets now that it's not being spent on high-grade smoke!
The Program is known for having a slew of slogans: "one day at a time", "principles before personalities", et al. But my favorite is an anagram for the word SOBER that does a good summing up of what the first 6 months clean is like: Son Of a Bitch, Everything's Real!!
And so it goes....