That's the slogan for Oat Willie's, a marvelous head shop here in Austin. They are the only place I know of in town that carries my favorite AIRS incense. Must get over there soon with my darling TH whom I haven't seen in many moons....
So I've been meditating for brief 5 minute snatches here and there. I have my little prayer altar set up in the closet in my room with a single candle (white w/Lady Guadelupe on it). I've read that most people don't keep up with meditating b/c they get frustrated that they can't do it perfectly (ie: their mind wanders off to the laundromat or the porn shop no matter how they try to focus on their breath). I just decided it didn't matter whether I was doing it right, as long as I sat in the closet for a few minutes. It's definitely "working" b/c I look forward to stealing 10 minutes in the closet (I keep the door open in case anyone cares). "Studies have shown" that even just 3 minutes of sitting quietly with the intention to meditate can make a huge difference in one's general wellbeing. Knowing that I can run in there and sit quietly for 3 minutes and it counts as doing something to change my life for the positive makes me want to do it more. Maybe I'll really freak my freakin' freak and start doing it twice a day!!
I also worked out today--did a half hour run/walk with both Dag and Red around our 'hood(not the most graceful of maneuvers) and then did many push ups and curls with 12 lb dumb bells in my living room. Yay for progress. Yet sad to feel how weak I am compared to when I was training with weights and running religiously. The last time I had that going on was several years back now. I was running a lot and getting to the gym for weights a few times a week. And I had a nightly push up ritual. Those were the days when I was still really diggin' on Citizen Cope and could listen to song after song and work off my single-gal frustration with crunches arm-balances. How I want those lovely slightly protruding hip bones back!
The very best shape I've been in as far as strength and conditioning was a time when I was singing and performing on the Swing 5 nights a week, plus doing really challenging weight workouts and yoga several times a week. When I'm down at the low end of my lifetime weight swing I look all toned and solid--I daresay not unlike my girl Ms. Shue over there in the photo. (This shot was taken around the time of Leaving Las Vegas but she's still drop dead delish...) My goals now are to get back into yoga--my dear beau M has decided that he wants to try it in an effort to be a good Buddhist. I also want to be running the entire 1.4 mile route that M and I have been doing, well okay were doing.
Anyway, I'm trying to use this blog to inspire myself to break old habits and make healthier new ones. I alsoand help keep me motivated to face the truth of my life day to day. Today was pretty good. I did smoke--but didn't eat any junk food. And I meditated and worked out and made sure all 5 of my dogs got exercise today. I have an audition tomorrow for the US Army. A live theatre sort of gig I think. It pays fairly well so it would be welcomed if I got it. Will check in again soon..........
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