I've been in the clutches of my disease Addiction this weekend. Been smoking the ganja from L since Friday and disturbed myself with how easy it was today, when I ran out, to say "I'm going to get snowcones" and then instead sent the old text to L and copped within ten minutes. I did heroin daily for years and never once copped it myself. Weed's too easy. Anyway, I'm not buying for the rest of the week. That's my final answer.
Still on my Doors kick, which my loving boyfriend informed me this morning has been going on since May 3rd. Observant/psychotic much? Reading the newest, and the best one I've read of Jimbo biographies: Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend by Stephen Davis. Really gives a full picture of Morrison's early life (all I've read so far). The author apparently had access to Jim's diaries and notebooks and the book includes little family details and personal musings that present Jim in a very human light, someone you'd like to hang out with. He was a crazy brat, for sure. But for the most part he was an intelligent, shy, goofball that worked in the library in college. How I wish I knew him. Hee-hee...
I finally got up to the Barn today and hung out with my boy Shaggy! It was a gorgeous sunny breezy day and way "only" supposed to be 90 degrees but it felt so much hotter. I was wrecked by the end of our ride and even Shag was breathing a bit hard. I hosed him down afterward and then stood in the deepest shade we could find and let him eat grass while the breeze dried us both off. Then off course he rolled as soon as he got back to the pasture. Got down in the dirt and flung all four legs into the air, rubbing the whole left side of his chestnut body from neck to flanks. He heaves himself to standing, turns around and kneels down again, this time rolling onto the other side. Most horses are too big to roll all the way over. I've only seen ponies do it.
My food has been OK. My weight has been hanging at the very number it usually settles at when I'm just doing OK w/food and slacking on workouts, which I have been, and dreadfully so this past week. M wants to take yoga now so I'm psyched to go back to that. I miss it a lot. I did do 30 push ups last night. Going to go for 35 tonight. Over and out.
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