Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back to reality

Spent the past 4 days in a fog with M. Damn us...

Unfortunately our tastes toward the dark side run in exactly the same direction and there was much smoke and margaritas this weekend. Yet, we get back up on the horse.....As I did today, going up to the Barn to ride Shaggy, who looks sleek and handsome with his summer hair cut and short glossy coat.

Food was not terrible today: shake, coffee, one giant cookie from Central Market Cafe (oops!) then home where I had a can of tuna w/mayo and olives and later an organic burrito. M will be home soon and we are planning to go to the gym--or run in our hood. But in any case, I've gotten some exercise today and taken all the dogs out and Dag and Red to the park across the street from our house.

Got another email from a literary agent today. They all love The Iron Horse--the novel I'm shopping around. But can't decide whether it's fiction or memoir or whatall..... Oh well, the clock is ticking and if by December of this year the IH has no rep, then it's getting self-published by me on Lulu.com. That's all she wrote. Today anyway.

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