Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rage Against the Mama...

I've had bizarro waves of unbridled mother/step father RAGE washing over me all week while I was sober. I did NOT get to any meetings this week even though I could have gone. And I ended up getting myself a bottle of Pinot Grigio and then discovered that my dealer had a small bit of the last of what I always buy from him--AND he is not going to be getting it anymore because his supplier is going to deal with cheap stuff anymore. It's not worth the money to grow/aquire it. Whatever. As if everyone's buying KB in this economy.

Anyway, I spent the $15 as he had been saving it for me and have smoked yesterday and today. It'll soon be gone and then no more available from L. Oh he'll still have the expensive shit, but it's so over-priced for the amount you get that I can't be bothered to spend that kind of money on the crap anymore. I take this as a good thing.

Got my period today (on the Full Moon!) which always means harder cramps and went on a chocolate tear at the salon. Luckily I had a long afternoon break and spent it on the massage table which has a lush faux sheepskin heating pad covering the whole length of it. I laid on my belly with the heater jacked up to 140 degrees and read more of Patricia Kennealy Morrison's autobio Strange Days. Totally hot read about her life with and without Jim Morrison. The salon gig is going well and I have high hopes for building the practice there.

Other stuff going on as well but I'm lazy from smoking and trying to stay as mellow as possible to avoid guilt and self-loathing for my failings. Alas, tomorrow is another Mayday.....

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